Amanda + Patrick || City Park, New Orleans Engagement

I know I say this a lot. . .maybe too much. . .but I really am convinced I have *the* best clients.  I don't where these people come from?  Somehow they seem to fall in my lap and bless me with their huge hearts, amazing love stories, and down-to-earth sense of humor.  Amanda, Patrick, and I spent most of their session chuckling and chatting.  We also spent a minute or two chasing some geese in the park, but that's a story for another time.  ;) 

Anyways, you can tell that this couple just love being in each other's presence.  We met on an unseasonably warm day at the City Park in New Orleans and even with the crazy amount of people there, these guys just focused on each other and letting me do my thing.  I really feel like we got so many images that capture how much they enjoy one another and glow in each other's company.  They are also huge dog lovers, which makes them even more awesome in my book.  They brought their dogs, Reece and Roux, to start the session out with some dog cuddles.  Patrick is an avid hunter, so it was fun to pick his brain about his hunting dog (the pure black lab) and hear about his passion for that.  He was kind enough to ask me a lot of questions about what I'm passionate about (ie photography) so of course it was fun to share about that as well.  I'm convinced that one day he's going to be a professional photographer himself! ;) And Amanda is the kind of gal who makes you feel like you've known her for years.  She's incredibly funny and sweet and treats you like a friend from the minute she meets you.  As someone who's more on the introverted side, I love folks like that!

I loved that they brought doughnuts to their session.  When I heard that Patrick used doughnuts in his proposal (because they are Amanda's favorite), I jokingly said that they should bring some!  They made for some cute shots. 

I can NOT wait to shoot their December wedding in New Orleans!


Karly + Todd || Baton Rouge, LA Wedding


Alexis + Matt || New Orleans, LA Wedding